thoughts & opinions from a mom, surgeon & aficionado of life

Basta Ya

Enough. It isn’t the right word. Too much. Past due. Fed up. Disgusted. Dismayed. Heartbroken.

This will be short. Not a long dissertation about what I feel and why. Just what I see and what I BELIEVE we can accomplish.

I see humanity in the eyes of all parents around me- the ones who voted for Trump or for Clinton, the rich and the poor, those with 20 guns and those with none. I am absolutely positive that we can come together with no politics, with no BS and get this done. I believe we can protect our kids and if you want a gun, you can have one – whether I like it or not. But maybe it won’t be exactly the one you want….

It is unacceptable to consider teachers having to learn how to use a gun and carry in the classroom.

It is unthinkable to imagine armed guards at the front of American school in America.

It is absurd that my children are forced to get below their desks for drills or “neighborhood shooter” episodes (we live in Miami) on a regular basis.

It is disgusting that when my children should be learning about Biology and art and language they are learning how to access and use a “Stop the Bleed” kit.

It is disgraceful and makes me sick to hear the companies and con artists that have profited and are profiting from “school safety consultation”, “stop the bleed”, “sell guns to arm teachers” and “active shooter training”. This is BS and we all know it.

If I see another “abortion stops a beating heart” bumper stick on a car driven by a parent with their kids not in car seats or seatbelts with a “support the 2nd Amendment” sticker, I’m going to lose my mind. For the love of God, explain this to me! If you care so deeply about the unborn, what about the born?


No one except law enforcement can have assault rifles, bumper stocks, reloadable magazines and/or whatever guns are designed to kill on mass quantity instead of just one Bambi at a time. I don’t know anything about guns. I don’t want to.

3 month minimum waiting period to get a gun.

Mandatory background check and mental health testing for gun owners and annual recertification.

Mandatory class and education on storage and use.

Don’t tell me this is too difficult or too expensive.

Gun Violence reports year to date there have been 31 mass shootings, 373 teens killed or injured by gun violence, 70 children killed or injured by gun violence, 1893 deaths by gun violence and 3279 injuries in the United States. The land of the free.

That is a high price to pay. It is vile. It is too much. This is NOT Normal and it’s not ok.


Call your representative.

If you live in Florida, call immediately as they are trying to push through SB 1236 to arm schools.

It can’t be us against them. It doesn’t make sense. It has to be all of us for the basics rights and safety of Americans.


This is (Our) America


Fighting the Imposter


  1. Pocha Marquez

    Si Dra. “BASTA. YA” es horrible todo lo que estamos viviendo y ver a Madres como Esas 17 Madres que no volveran a ver a sus hijos munca mas!

  2. Perry

    No matter how many guns I own my guns don’t protect my children in school. I love my children more than I love my guns. Please love your children more than you love a gun.

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