Holly Cuts to the Chase

thoughts & opinions from a mom, surgeon & aficionado of life

It’s Time. Reclaim Your Personal Legend

Do you remember when you were a little girl, or boy? Do you remember that fire inside you? The dreams? The plans you had? Did you dream of being a CEO, owning a farm, becoming a doctor or starting your own business? 

And then? Did life come in and swallow you whole? Your vision suddenly and seemingly permanently clouded by the demands or desires of others? Every once in a while the dreams peak through, like the sun in the midst of a terrible storm. Little rays pop through and remind you that you weren’t meant for this. You’re here for something else. 

But the dreams pop away, scolded by the college debt, the poopy diapers, the Sunday morning baby food assembly line, the fatigue, the fear to take a chance and leave the stability and comfort of your current brain stagnating job to follow that lousy dream of yours.

Last weekend, while enjoying my monthly on-call weekend beating (a weekend that gives me a tremendous appreciation of car seats, gun control, pool fences and a healthy coin free diet), I was really moved by an interview on NPR of Paolo Coehlo. He spoke of suppressed frustration and life dissatisfaction, despite financial “success” due to failure to achieve one’s personal legend. He spoke of pursuing  life goals that were prescribed to you by someone else and remembering only later that you really wanted something different for yourself. He spoke of the self destruction that occurs when one denies themself pursuit of their personal legend . 

I see it….everyday. People miserable in their jobs because their heart isn’t in the work. The risk to do what they love feels like they are walking across the Rio Grande on a tightrope with their family and their kid’s  college funds on their backs. A personal legend doesn’t need to be grandiose. Maybe you dreamed of writing a book, of going back to school to become a nurse, running a marathon, inventing some cool contraption that is scribbled on a paper somewhere in the back of your underwear drawer. I have no idea what you dreamed of.. Big or small…but you do. 

The fear of change keeps us in bad relationships, contributes to poor self esteem and creates a cycle of self hate, pity and depression. Comfort creates complacency. 

Close your eyes and remember that fearless girl, full of fire, inspired, empowered. Grab her tight and shake off the “I can’t”s. Dust off her dreams, her skills, her “yes, I can”‘s and find a path to your personal legend. Leave your comfort zone. You don’t need to be reckless or irresponsible, you need to be inspired.  Do your kids even know what you’re good at? Have you ever dared to show them? 

It’s time. I see the sun peeking through the clouds, and it’s for you.. For me.. For us. Write down your dream.  Stick it on the wall. Don’t listen to the “you can’ts” or the “buts”. You were meant to do this.

Be inspired. Be Inspirational. 


As Much as We Can…

I do a lot of my thinking on a treadmill, or pool. And here I am, in Montego Bay Jamaica at the beautiful Sandals resort one day after operating on a baby with an amazing team of nurses, doctors and hospital staff, on the treadmill. Processing….. Yesterday morning, I posted my nervousness, anxiety, optimism about operating in a new place, another country with an unfamiliar team and I got so much support. I felt carried by you… I felt group strength. I felt support. 

There’s been so much going on in our country, in our world .. But no matter where I go human needs and the human spirit are the same. I was born well off, raised poor.. I know the humility of using free lunch vouchers in public school.. And I know that hard work, effort and determination will get you up and out to a different, more prosperous life. But, you need someone to carry you. Mentally, emotionally, economically, sometimes even physically. We are humans and I do not believe we are meant to go it alone. 

You do, however, benefit from leaving your comfort zone. I liken it to a 5 K run. I always run the same route.. I know the scenery, when I can kick it up a notch, how much effort it going to take and I know the end point. Yet when I run away from home, or in a 5k race, the road is unfamiliar, I feel a little stressed, I check my watch constantly to see how far I’ve gone and how far I’ve got to go… Until I convince my self to relax….to look around, to take in the scenery and the strangers running with me… I let them carry me.. I share their strength, their energy.. And I try my best to share mine…until together we arrive at the end point. It’s the same one, still 5K, but it feels so different. 

The community spirit. The “we’re in this together” for me makes the difference. 

This baby’s surgery was not easy. There were dense adhesions twisting the bowel and fixing it to his little tiny abdominal wall. I have done many surgeries like this “in my house”, but never in someone else’s. To say I had to still my mind is an understatement. But I was carried, by you, by the positive energy of so many people rooting for this little life, by the team and their infectious optimism and incredible talent, and by me and my faith in so many things including myself.

I am a little political, but these following statements can apply to whichever candidate you choose and whatever way you choose to live your life. 

We are better together. Change your run, your route, leave your comfort zone. Appreciate what you’ve got. I may not be a millionaire, but some days I have more love, optimism, food and even time than I need. “Someone” (see how well I’m avoiding politics?) recently said at “some convention” “Help as much as you can, as many as you can, for as long as you can”. Wow. Impacted…. Carry them and allow yourself to be carried. 

I’m with me. I’m with HER. And, I’m with you. Thanks for being there for me too. 


It’s time for maintenance

I opened Nike Run last week… accidentally, of course, I had no intent of running … And it said my last run was in MARCH!!!! Well, at least it was March 2016, but really?? To my credit, I’ve been swimming 2-3x per week, but for me, that’s really not enough. I have to balance out the routine with yoga or running or paddleboarding, or (God forbid, because I really hate this one) weights. Otherwise, I kinda start falling apart, hips, lower back, the ever dreaded sciatica. The human body is demanding and it needs regular maintence, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. For me, a lot of these goals can be achieved during exercise. 

So, it’s past time to get back into running… The only hurdles? My mind (the biggest) and this…

Gotta love Miami! Getting back in shape  takes a little courage with a heat index of 104. The little whiny me is going to require a couple smacks and at least one cup of coffee to get a move on. 

Just as I head out the door it POURS rain for 5 mins… I try to convince myself it’s a sign from God to take my shoes off, but I know proper maintenance starts today. So as soon as the typhoon passes I head out. 

It’s humid. It’s beautiful. It’s so damn hot I’m questioning my sanity, when I see this:

Ok, yea,  I took a little break to take a photo… What the heck! It is my first run in 4 months! Anyway, who can’t enjoy a run with a rainbow?  Sure, there were several complaints from my knees and my left foot, but in the end, the pounding of my heart just bursts into the feeling of pure joy. Truly I am grateful that I am able to run, that my body is able, my mind is able, my city is safe enough and despite the humidity (that resembles a steamroom) that is so beautiful that it would be hard not to enjoy a run! Just check out my favorite tree! (Ok… A short break for a little picture… )

I get home completely drenched (no.. It didn’t rain again), but happy and I feel accomplished to be back on track! 

Get out there and get to it!


Tick Tock

It’s a new year in the medical world… Like a big fat nation wide birthday. Celebrations at every turn. Tears, cheers, good byes and hellos. Happy Hours, graduations, welcome dinners…. Cocky faced seniors strutting from place to place preparing for their next stage in their careers are replaced by wide eyed children.. Omg.. some really look so young!!!!… entering the hospitals for their first duties as Doctor. New attending shakily take the reigns and understand, for possibly the first time, the humility of a job in medicine.  

I’m mesmerized each year by the transition… At work, and at home… Each year I walk my kids to school. It is always the same walk, but the children change. Initially, with my son alone, then my son and daughter while I toted along the baby.. Then my two daughters, and this year just the “baby” will walk to school… And then no one…. Each year a photograph at the start of the year shows them, lunch box in hand, heading off to a new school year. Same place, same time… changing children.  I don’t need the photographs. The memories of walking that walk and the hands that I’ve held are marked indelibly into my mind.

My oldest now stands taller than me, my middle child has gone off on an exchange trip to another country for two weeks and my youngest seemingly grows so fast that she sometimes appears different in the morning from he night. My medical students have turned residents, fellows and attendings… They’ve married.. They’ve come back after training to become my partners, my colleagues. But when I look at myself, I oddly see the same me. I don’t feel old. Sure, I see the wrinkles… The lines extending around my eyes and nose and now into my lips. But, what have I done? Like Angelina Jolie said, and she clearly has done, (I’ll be honest.. I never really liked her due to the whole husband stealing thing… But the lady really does have a few big positives in my book) is that she wants to live a useful life. Me too, and I feel like I’m not accomplishing it. The clock is ticking and what have I done?

Right before my mom turned 70 (sorry, Mom!) she really caught me off guard by saying that she felt like at 70 her life was nearing the end, and yet, she hadn’t done anything. I couldn’t believe it! Honestly, it really shocked me. She had a successful career and served as an invaluable asset to the church that she worked at for many decades. She raised 3 kids to all become successful adults, she provided financial stability to our family in years of crisis. She taught us all to swim, to cook, to play tennis and cards, and to respect people from all walks of life. She showed us how to love, how to live and age and accept our successes and failures with grace. She volunteers and reads to children in schools. And yet, she felt as though she hadn’t made the impact she could have. 

To some extent, I get it. The clock is unforgiving. It ticks on cruelly while we struggle with the tasks of the day.. Work, school, homework, kid’s after school activities, sports, cooking, cleaning… And while I undoubtedly take truly great joy in each of these things (except laundry.. I hate the laundry), I feel like I can do more. How can I serve? 

My goal for this year (measured in the school year in which I live): Do more for others. Be useful. Live a useful life. Join me?



998 mass shootings in the US since Sandy Hook… Where America’s Children were massacred while at school. Since that time, nothing has changed. You can still get an assault weapon, a semi automatic, bullets that penetrate armor… Weapons that are purely designed to efficiently kill humans.  This isn’t for your favorite sport of hunting down and feasting on Bambi… This isn’t for self protection. These guns are to kill people. People like me, like you, like your adorable children. Churches, schools, movie theatres, malls, clubs, sporting events, military posts.. Everywhere… Anywhere…

So what has changed… Each time, Congress has a moment of silence, President Obama honors the dead, our nation’s flag flies at half mast… And that’s it….

Well.. That’s all that changed unless you are the mom, dad, brother, sister, lover, teacher, neighbor, husband, wife, cousin, son, or grandparent of someone killed or forever wounded due to our inaction.  Because a lot has changed for them.

 Nothing has changed unless you are the police officer, emergency worker or trauma surgeon on that day who will never wash the blood soaked images from their indelibly marked minds…

 Nothing has changed unless you knew the person or people who carried out the crime… Wondering every second of every minute of every day if somehow you could have recognized  the plan and stopped it. 

Nothing has changed unless you’re Muslim or from middle eastern descent and are now the undeserving victim of nationwide republican candidate sponsored discrimination.

Nothing has changed if your phone hasn’t rung or the police haven’t shone up at your home to gather you and inform you of your loss. But as the numbers increase.. So do the chances that they will. 


It’s not just the mass shootings. There is domestic violence, an increase in suicide (particularly in teens), and look at our inner city high schools here in Miami… There is an all out war in effect and we are losing our precious inner city youth on a daily basis to gun violence. 


To hell with you. Today I told my 7 year old what to do if she sees someone with a gun while at the movies. A conversation no mother in the United States of America should have to have. But yet, we do… We are no longer free. We are imprisoned by our racism, our bigotry, and our appropriately placed fear. So you want your gun?  Then it will happen again. We will see 999… 1000… And so on. More Americans dying on American soil from gun violence than died in war in Afganistan. This isn’t about them…however you define them… This is about US, our families, our children, our beautiful diverse nation, and it must stop. 




“Hate can never win. Together we must be sure of that. Your tragedy is our tragedy” James corden

Tonight #PrayForOrlando

Tomorrow, stand up, put down your gun and #prayForAmerica

Get your Goddess on.

I went to yoga recently and the teacher had us do about 50 goddess poses… And hold them for 5-20 breaths each.  She stated in the middle of the last and longest goddess (during which my thighs convulsed in such a way that I’m not sure how I stayed standing) that doing something like this required your inner goddess. 

Goddess Time

Inner Goddess? Hell Yes! I’ve  got one and she rocks ..but she’s a bit of a bitch, so I also have a little whiny super chatty princess too. Ying-yang, dark- light, good-evil (I’m not sure which is which sometimes).  I wasn’t sure how to word it before .. The compulsive mean me… The one that’s goal driven, super competitive and kind of bitchy = Goddess. The whiny princess is annoying but I think sometimes keeps me from getting injured or fired…. 

So, I’m swimming in the pool at the University of Miami, Apple Watch on (against manufacturers recommendation) so that it doesn’t wrongly accuse me of laziness (so far, so good). I’m training for a 2 mile open water swim. Sometimes it’s hard for me to self motivate unless I have a goal.. With a date… Signed up for and paid for. Otherwise… It’s just another day and I don’t really feel like exercising…. The whiny princess takes control. And I’m the queen of excuses.

The amazing thing is that once I start exercising, I’m compulsive. Truly. So today I’m swimming. This pool is beautiful and as I push off the wall I love the way the water feels around my body, like it’s propelling me forward, supporting me. I wonder if that’s what it feels like to birds when they fly. De-lightful! The goddess takes the reins.  I just love the way it feels once you get going.. Whether running or swimming or… Well actually I never ever get that feeling while cycling. Sorry cyclists… There is something for everyone.. And I just feel like cycling to the nearest ice cream shop and getting a little snack. 

I always mentally design a workout before I start.. Because without that I WILL stop early and I choose intervals so that I don’t just hang out…. And then it starts… The mind games, the competition, the compulsion. Last night I decided to swim 6 500’s to total 3000 yards plus a little cool down (like 50 yards.. I tell myself 200… But I know myself and I know that’s a pipe dream..  the princess- knowing that I’ve finished the “real work” is going to lift my butt out of the pool convincing the goddess that all is good with this 45 year-old-stiffer-than-an-embalmed- mummy body and no stretching or cool down required.. What could possibly go wrong?

Each 100 has to be faster or the same as the last and each 500 has to be faster than the 500 before… It’s started… Game on. Can’t stop… Who does this to themselves? I actively question that but the compulsive goddess retorts that it helps keep track of the laps…

The princess gets tired, maybe a little bored … Starts looking at the incredible six pack swimming next to me… I’m quickly commanded to swim faster.  “What you do once you can do twice and again and so forth”. Flip, glide, 2 dolphin kicks…. Dear god I need air! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! What if it does kill us? Whiny little princess B**ch… Quads cry, lungs squeeze.. Six pack glides by in the next lane. There is really something to be said for swimmers bodies. Was that 6 or 7 laps? Stop looking at 6 pack!! You’re getting distracted! Well yes I am! Faster and faster. I often wonder why the hell I do this! And why does it feel so good! And what this must look like to a far away planet above… What are they doing swimming back and forth in that pool? Generating electricity? And the same for running… My husband runs marathons? What on earth?! Running for 4 hours and maintaining the same pace? Well not for me.. I have some “GI issues” (that’s code for I will poo in my pants) if I run too far. Honestly.. Thank god or the goddess might want to try that too, but goddesses don’t like poopy skorts.

Sometimes I have guilt that while some people are fighting for their  lives, their homes, their families… Walking for necessity.. Here I am jogging around a beautiful neighborhood or taking an hour to swim back and forth playing crazy mind games with myself.

Why do we do this? One word. Sanity. The mental struggle between the compulsive me and the distracted me is never ending. All the stressors of the day, week and year come up, get mulled over and then get purged out by the compulsive me in that pool or during that run (not biking.. No purging with biking..just snacking.. I always need a destination). Thoughts come and dissipate with each flip, each glide and each hypoxic event. 

The goddess gets tired. Gives up the battle after achieving the goal. When I get home or to work, I’m chill.. Less confrontational.. Less nitpicky.

I feel healthy. I feel a sense of achievement and if I don’t hit my goal, I have something to work towards the next time.  Get out there and get your Goddess on! (And tell that whiny bitch to shut it down for a bit)


A Memorial Day Thank you

War sucks… It is that simple. But what is not so simple is how to thank and recognize the people who serve in our military and the families who have lost people they love and care about, or have them back home… but now with special needs – physical and emotional. What’s not simple is the war today… the one that is being fought not just on the ground at far away places… so distant that we are almost unaware they are happening..,  or in the air, but in schools, churches and even hospitals… and of course, social media.  Hospitals… Schools… We need to be aware and we need to remember. The war today targets not just our brave military men and women, but us… the not so brave moms and dads and doctors and teachers and volunteer workers… and children. We are targeted, they are targeted … And while many of their goals and objectives and government style of the “enemy” may represent that of antiquated hard handed civilizations, their use of social media, the Internet and well devised sales of oil and raided antiquities is all very 2016. 

Our government and our soldiers will always be required and truly I thank you for your sacrifice and your dedication. This battle will not be won by military force alone. This battle will require something from each of us. This war preys on the disinfranchised… Those that need social support, rules, believe it our not- security, and those who just want to belong. How else can an organization suck in youth from all over the world… Even Idaho and Texas! Kids like mine, kids like yours.. Kids that feel left out.. that feel they don’t belong. I know that as an individual, I can’t help much, but together people can make a big difference. Here are things I plan to do better this year:

Vote- sometimes I don’t have time.. Or don’t take the time… Or my candidate is already winning.. So I skip…

Have patience with TSA- these people are trying to keep us safe and we treat them like the enemy…recently I flew from Paris to Venice and never even got asked for as much as an ID and my bags had multiple glass jars of yummy mustard… Nada.. No one cared. TSA would have not let that happen! 

Educate your kids to the power of social media… For so many reasons. 

Remember that America was founded on a belief of inclusion.  Remember that our military is comprised of men and women of all backgrounds and they serve for us…. A beautiful nation, one with incredible diversity, values and strength.  I will be conscious of bias.. explicit and implicit and try to eliminate it from my perceptions and actions. 

It’s Memorial Day.. Let’s take a minute to remember. 

Dear “Provider”

I refuse to accept that I’m old, but some things sure have changed in the last few years. I thought maybe it was a “Miami thing” the way doctors are treated… Somewhere between a waitress when you don’t like the food at a restaurant and a hairdresser at supercuts (sorry Supercuts).

The attitude toward physicians and nurses from hospitals and administrators seems to have changed. We are no longer the über educated, independently thinking, hard working physicians, surgeons, nurse practitioners and physician assistants we once were. Now, we are “providers”. Here to provide specified care to the hospital’s “clients”, here to experience a “cultural transformation” to “efficiently utilize” the available patient encounters and maximize the patient experience and survey scores while minimizing expense incurred to the hospital. Each provider/FTE must be used to maximum efficiency and profit.

I link the change in attitude to a change in language. Instead of a letter addressed “Dear Dr Neville”, often with a gentle blue line through the formal title and “Holly” handwritten in, now my letters are printed on cheap paper  folded unevenly addressed to “Dear Provider”… Usually followed by instructions to take a “mandatory CBL”.. on hand washing.. or not committing fraud. I’m not sure they realize this, but I have a mother.. And she did a good job raising me…


My patients are handed to me (and my freshly washed hands) by their tearful parents. The parents entrust me with the life of their beautiful child… Who doesn’t look much like an RVU to me.

When I finish,  the hospital proceeds to calculate my efficiency, the time it takes and cost of the instruments and equipment I use and compare it to the other “system providers”. They then generate a report and provide me, the provider, with recommendations and tips to reduce cost and assist the hospital to maximize reimbursement for the CPT and ICD10 that the provider has provided.

I had a partner who used to tell me “you’re only as good as your last hernia”… maybe… But listen up hospital administrators… That hernia? On your client, for my RVU’s based on your CPT’s… It’s gonna be good, it’s going to be efficient… Not because of your policies, CBL’s or weekly reviews. It’s gonna be good because I chose this field to be a teacher, a caregiver, to make sick infants and children well, to hold hands, to wipe tears, to be a physician and the best surgeon that I can be. And so did my “provider” colleagues.

So please, call me Dr Neville, Doc, Hey You, or call me Holly… I’ve been called plenty of things most of which I’ll accept or have even deserved…  but please don’t call me “provider”.  My patients deserve better. 

Getting it done, and still having FUN

Let’s face it ladies… We are busy! Work, kids, laundry…. Omg the laundry… cooking, cleaning, homework (I can’t wait for summer)…

But is it really true that you don’t have enough time to do the things you want or need to do? Like make friends, go out with existing friends, go on a date, exercise, get a pedicure, or invest time in your genius business idea?

How much time do you use in a day for various activities… And how much time do do you waste doing things you don’t really need to do, or don’t enjoy? This was prompted, as usual, by a medical student- fearing the ability to balance the demands of a career in surgery (why do we surgeons get such a bad rap??)  and outside life, asking me if you can really do it all… The answer, “NO!” (You didn’t see that coming, did you?!) But, you can do anything you prioritize and set your mind to” and that is true.

You must make time for the things you value, love, enjoy and are required of you.

The thing is, that working professional women in higher income careers have a distinct, clear advantage over the many working women with lower incomes… The ability to delegate the tasks that you don’t wish to prioritize. Like the toilet cleaning… Or cooking… Or whatever it is that needs to be done and you don’t like.


But, what we all have.. is guilt .. The desire to do it all, the fear of judgement…and we allow ourselves to be put in a position of overextension, over stress. We get it done (of course we do), but it’s not fun. Guilt is not useful… Unless you are actually guilty…(like not calling your mother…. Or sleeping with your friend’s husband…). But guilt for being a hard worker, a great mom and investing in your own wellbeing is unacceptable. 
Oh man. I get it. How can you go out on date night when you worked late 3 nights this week, missing your kids’ bedtime twice?
Well listen up.. And this from a lady who cleans the toilets.. Do what you love to do and what you need  to do yourself and delegate the rest. If the item you wish to delegate is stressful to delegate, pick something else.

The key is priorities. Prioritize, schedule, motivate and then accomplish in an efficient manner and plan for fun!

Here come my tips!

1. Set your priorities and schedule them in your calendar. Make a list and make it specific and detailed and reevaluate it regularly making changes to reflect what works for you.
2. Make a realistic schedule.  Don’t schedule dinner with your family every night at 630 if you’ve never gotten home before 7… Be realistic and flexible. We have dinner at 715. That gives me time to get home and prepare the meal (I’m a dinner-prep-ninja..), time to eat, clean up and get my youngest (7) into bed at 815 for story time. 

2. Motivate yourself to get it done.. Make it fun to get it done!

Want to run regularly? Sign up for a challenge on “Map My Run” or sign up for a 5k, or longer! I like to swim so I try to register for an open water swim a couple times a year to keep me on point!

Put it in your calendar. Make a cute evite for you and your girlfriends to set up that girls night out… They are just as busy! If it’s not in the calendar, it’s not getting done. See if you can combine priorities. For instance, I can get in a great swim while my youngest is in swim class 45 mins 2x a week and I get to spend a bit more quality time with her ending each session with a couple laps together!  A couple times a week I prepare a dinner that gets put in the oven.. like enchiladas or baked ziti (yum). There is a reason your oven has  that “cook time” feature. Set that bad boy and get moving. Perfect window to go for a run. Watching the kids? Put them on a bike (with a helmet!) and bring them with you! Set a destination that they (and you) will enjoy.. A park with fun swings (you can do some fun planks!) … or Starbucks for a little halfway point treat or any other fun landmark.  If you want to run to the gym or a yoga class, see if you can find one with a kids class at the same time! By the way, those dance programs that your kids play on PS4 are great exercise and crazy fun and can give you time with your kids and time to exercise.  Great rainy day workout! Warning… be sure that you are either prepared to be on a you tube video, or close the blinds…

3. Increase you efficiency! 

If you don’t like to do it and it doesn’t need to be done… Why are you doing it?  I like to cook a lot and I don’t mind cleaning. I’ll do those tasks. Driving? I don’t like as much and most of the driving is in the pre dinner period when I prefer to be cooking! So, our family’s au pair takes on the driving while I knock out dinner prep and a little house straightening! I actually find it frustrating to pay a lot of money to someone to clean and then have the house dirty the next day. Let’s face it, 3 kids and 3 dogs and my husband and I… The house needs daily maintenance. I have no resentment, no frustration and a house that is clean enough! Give up perfection! 
Review you daily schedule. Are you sitting in front of the tv? Do you enjoy that or it is it wasted time? I was sitting in traffic 60-90 mins each afternoon. Well, now I take the metro.. It’s a 0.7 mile walk to the station.. So I get a little exercise, and then a 21 minute ride during which I can clean out email and take care of other similar tasks… Even pay my bills. Win win win!

Not every task in our day is going to be fun… But so much of this life thing depends on your mindset. 

A happy mind is more creative, more loving, more healthy! 

This reminds me… It’s time for a girls night out? Who’s in?

Stop killing yourself… Promise me.

Yesterday, another valued, esteemed physician died. I suspect every physician knows of at least one physician who died prematurely. Lots of times its for “natural” causes… I say “natural” because crashing your car while driving mostly asleep is kinda natural (but not really); because cancer in a person who hasn’t properly slept, eaten, or exercised in 10+ years is kinda natural; because so many causes of premature death that are natural are also preventable, but require the time, energy and investment in yourself to prevent them… And then sometimes their premature death is not natural…. But we don’t want to talk about that. We don’t want to dishonor their memory. Maybe we don’t want to accept that it’s preventable… That it could happen to you, or me, or a friend or colleague or spouse…

I want us, as physicians and as a society, to acknowledge that there is a problem. I want us to acknowledge that we are losing more than one physician a day to suicide… in their homes, in their workplaces, in their call rooms.  I want us to recognize that physicians are more likely than others to suffer from depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and ultimately commit suicide- intentionally or unintentionally. We need to be aware that as physicians we have excess stress leading to medical conditions that result in our early demise. In women physicians,  suicide is 250-400% more common than in non- physician women. 

What the hell?? We are bright, energetic, intelligent and successful women! Why are we killing ourselves?

It isn’t just the career, and it isn’t just this career. It’s with any high powered profession and it starts young. We are not prepared for the  cold, cruel reality of medicine or business or law,  or even life. We are told from when we are small that we are the best. We are so smart, so talented. We can do anything.  We are the valedictorians, the varsity athletes, the small town success stories and inner city kids who make it big. Our parents told us how wonderful we are, our teachers told us how smart we are, our coaches told us how talented we are… And then one day… We are just not good enough. 

That’s right. We are not good enough. That person you’ve been charged with taking care of dies. What happened to “I can do anything?” What happened to “I’m the best.”  

Well, sometimes our best isn’t good enough, and even worse, sometimes we make mistakes. We fail. 

So, there you are…. Feet planted to the goddamn OR floor in pure protest of surrender and you can’t fix it….fingers grasping your ICU patient’s bedside table and you can’t prevent it.… Arms pumping the chest of the toddler in the ER and you can’t get him back.…”no one dies on my watch”, but they do….and you can’t handle it. 

But in any full time, intense high power career where years are spent in preparation and excessive hours are spent at work, it happens. Failure happens. 

 Your boss or attending screams at you about what an idiot you are. You repeatedly come home late to a failing marriage, perhaps you succumb to the temptations within the workplace with no real accountability due to “long hours”, call, and overtime. You miss another of your kid’s events… They start acting out… 

You begin to unravel. Failure… You have no coping skills for failure. You never expected failure…. Not me…

More stress, more unraveling…. Access, money… It’s a recipe for disaster.

Physicians turn to drugs, alcohol, dysfunctional behavior, destructive relationships, depression. They claim “no time” for more healthy releases like exercise, me time, mindful awareness or meditation. 

Well guess what?

I want a pledge. I want you to pledge to not let this happen to you. I want a pledge that you will keep this in mind when dealing with your colleague and friends and even students. 

We are smart. We are good. We need to take care of ourselves! Learn to accept failure.  You don’t have to like it. But learn from it. Don’t fail yourself. Take a yoga class. Try out mindful awareness. Speak up if you are concerned about yourself or someone else.

There may not be second chance.

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