thoughts & opinions from a mom, surgeon & aficionado of life

Health is Wealth

It’s 4 am. I can’t breath. Panic swirls through my chest. Nausea. I pop out of bed and am strangely fine. I lie down again and the waves of panic return. It reminds me of bodysurfing as a child. The crush of the water on my chest, the uncertainty about where to go, which way is up, the thoughts of death, horrid thoughts rush uninvited to my mind. Why can’t I breathe? Covid? I picture my motherless children. I’m losing my mind. There is nothing the hell wrong with me except in my head. I force myself to get up, shower, change. Maybe I’ll go for a run. I’m just unsettled.

You too? This is a lot. We are but mere humans and we hate to be faced with our vulnerabilities and that of our loved ones, coworkers (who are, of course, loved ones too..) and retirement portfolios (for real!).

So after my first ever panic attack, I realized a couple of things:

1- Panic attacks suck. Thus I vow to never have another.

2- The mind is powerful. Feed your mind positivity. Soothe it. Of course, you need to know facts, but once you have the information you need, shut down the negative influx of information. Find positivity, intentionally, throughout your day and bring it to others. They need it too. This is like an incoming hurricane, and we all have that down pat! Watch the weather once or twice a day, choose whether you need to evacuate and make sure you have your basic hurricane supplies. And then hunker down! (No hurricane parties please!!)

In this case, check your local news for new regulations and updates from your work and kid’s schools. (Toilet paper and bottled water are not required, contrary to seemingly popular belief). Then, make sure you have your basic health and wellness supplies: reduce stress, meditate, eat healthy foods, take your vitamins, exercise and don’t smoke or excessively drink. Stay home and wash your hands.

3- Humans are amazing. Love is real. While I know everyone wants to up and “evacuate”, I see thousands of health care workers planting their feet to the ground, donning their precious protective gear and getting to work. Are they scared? Hell yes! But they are amazing, dedicated humans. Here’s to our administrators, nurses, techs, greeters, cafeteria workers, physical plant teams and docs who are there for us. Help us out guys, stay home! We are risking our lives and our family members lives to take care of you and your families. Be courteous and do your part. Many people will need help, before, after and during. Be mindful of what others may be going through.

The things that matter

4- Don’t check your bank account. Just don’t. Lives matter. Love matters. If your retirement fell 10%, be grateful you had money in there to fall at all. Health is wealth. Let’s get America wealthy again. (Stay home!) Help people who need help… so many will during this time.

5- Check on your parents. Parents are like small temperamental children who have cars and bank accounts. You put them in time out and they get angry, leave the house, go to the gym and get lunch with their friends. Lock them in. Take their car keys, baker act them. Cancel their elective surgeries, dentist appointments and hair salon appointments.

6- Keep your body strong. Shout out to all the online apps that allow us to exercise at home. I have been using Pelotón (the app, not the bike or tread). Is 13$ a month and I have yoga, running, strength, boot camp, stretching etc to choose from. There are a bunch of apps out there to use that give you a sense of community, a great workout and keep you safe at home (stay home!)

I got home from the hospital today and I saw my 3 beautiful healthy children playing together outside. My son is home from college. My girls are growing into smart, capable, independent young women. My 2 dogs are running ceaselessly in the yard… so happy to have kids home to play with. My husband is healthy and has been so helpful with the “house arrest”. Covid 19 will undoubtedly change our world, our country and our lives, but it can’t take what we have accomplished thus far. I have lived a happy life. I am surrounded by coworkers who care and a loving family. Let’s appreciate all we are at this moment. Dig deep. Put away the panic and let’s get America healthy. Stay home, stay well, and stay positive.

Namaste. May the light in me honor the light in you. ❤️

With much love, from home,❤️



Today I spoke to a stranger


Zucchini Bread for Breakfast


  1. Pocha Marquez

    Buenas tardes Dra.
    Lo siento y la entiendo. Experimenté mi primer atake de panico hase 5 meses y fue horrible. Cuídese mucho. Demaciado stress no es bueno para nadie. Me alegro leer que Ud y su familia estan seguros y saludables. Muchos cariños de parte mia a todos Uds. Y muchas gracias a todos Uds Doctores Emfermeros Cientificos que ahora estan donde estan por el bien del mundo entero.

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